Search Engine Optimization

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization is improving your website’s ranking in search results. Unlike paid advertising, which injects a company’s message into people’s queries for products and services on Google or Bing, SEO targets natural traffic without interruption because it relies upon algorithms rather than any ads displayed during searches made online.

SEO is the foundation of a successful internet marketing strategy. It considers how search engines work, what people enter when looking for something online, and which keywords are most relevant to your business model.


Web admins and content providers have optimized websites for search engines since the mid-1990s, as web crawlers cataloged early websites. Initially, only submitting a page’s address or URL would index that information in their databases. Nowadays, however, all internet users can use these tools, which monitor site traffic by crawling through pages on-site with JavaScript-enabled smartphones (browsing devices).

This includes words and their locations and any weighting given to specific ones; later schedulers can crawl pages with particular interests automatically when ready.

The value of a high ranking and visibility in search engine results is undeniable. This has led website owners to increase the rankings of competitors. There are two approaches to this: white hat and black hat. The white hat practitioners create helpful content for users on their site while promoting it through SEO techniques that eventually increase traffic organically via Google searches or other means. The black-hatters game with the system by spamming keywords all over your webpage so that you can rank higher than competitors. However, what does “search engine optimization” actually entail? Some say 1997 saw the inception of SEO when Bruce Clay popularized this term online.

Web content providers have been manipulating specific attributes within the HTML source of a page to rank well on search engines. By 1997, web admins recognized this and began stuffing pages with excessive or irrelevant keywords so that they could get rankings. However, these measures did not work.

Search engines have adapted by moving away from heavy reliance on term density to provide a better experience to users.

Unscrupulous web admins would stuff these with countless keyword phrases just because they could rank well online; this ultimately led them to develop today’s algorithm-driven approach where various aspects, including weightings given different typesets (such as anchor text), play integral roles.

If a site has poor quality or irrelevant content, people may find other sources for searches on their internet browser and possibly even stop using them altogether! To prevent this from happening, webmasters have started developing more complex ranking algorithms that consider additional factors, such as rank enhancement programs (a fully-used service) to get better online visibility.

Companies that use overly aggressive techniques may have their client websites banned from search engines. In 2005, the Wall Street Journal reported that Traffic Power (a company) allegedly utilized high-risk marketing strategies and failed to disclose those risks before asking for clients’ money deposits. The Wired magazine later confirmed this when they looked into Google’s Matt Cutts, who told them, “We did audit” after admitting it happened with other businesses as well but would not elaborate further due to privacy reasons.

Google is a significant sponsor and guest at SEO conferences, webchats & seminars. They provide information to help with website optimization through their Sitemaps program that emails you if Google has problems indexing your site and data on traffic from the search engine.


In 1998, two Stanford University graduate students created “Backrub” – a search engine that relied on an algorithm to rate the prominence of web pages.

HENCE, the internet is a prominent place, and some links are stronger than others. A higher Page page rank will make it easier for someone just browsing online, looking at random pages, to find what interests them.

In 1998, Page and Brin founded Google. They created a top-rated search engine that many internet users liked because its design made it easy to use. PageRank or hyperlink analysis was taken into account along with off-page factors such as page titles & headings.

The growth of the internet industry led to new ways for companies and webmasters alike to achieve success through links. Link building became more complex with PageRank, but many sites focused on exchanging them or buying/selling bulk quantities at once, when necessary; instead, some schemes involved creating thousands upon millions – even billions.

By 2004, the search engine rankings incorporated many factors that would be kept secret from public knowledge. In June 2007, when Saul Hansell said this in his article for The New York Times, he was unsure if Google used more than 200 signals to rank pages. Still, people have studied various approaches and opinions on SEO over time, which can provide insights into how these algorithms function based on patents related to them.

Google has been changing how they serve up search results since 2005. They started personalizing the web for each user by tailoring it upon what the user has searched before and, in some cases, even Marrying the user’s history – allowing them (Google) access points into your life that were not there back! It was 2007 when this campaign against paid links began; not long ago, software such as Page rank sculpting became possible! Thanks mainly to NFO attributes – but not without its problems given.

Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google, announced that the company’s web crawler would no longer identically treat any links with the “no follow” tag. As a result of this change, many SEO service providers lost their PageRank as they were using it for sculpting websites and not just making them more reliable sources on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google has been changing how it updates its index to make things show up quicker than before. In December 2009, it was announced that all of your web search histories would be put into a database and used for populating search results; this new system is called Caffeine (explicitly designed with news websites). As opposed to taking hours or days off-site after the publication date – which could lead you down any number of paths, including those regarding current events not yet covered by other content creators can get instant exposure through it.

With the introduction of Caffeine for Google, 50% more new results are now found than before. This is an example of how social media sites and blogs have allowed content to rank quickly within search engine result pages (SERPs). As technology constantly advances in this rapidly changing world with its new algorithms from Google, which updates every few months or years depending upon what they find most relevant at any given time, it can be hard not knowing whether these changes will affect your SEO strategy until you have already implemented them.

In February 2011, Google announced an update to their search engine to penalize websites containing content duplicated from other sources. Websites historically had been able to use this practice to improve rankings on the SERPs (search engine results pages) by engaging with each other and copying one another’s work; however, after implementing new systems called “Panda” or Penguin around 2012-2013 respectively, these tweaks were beginning not only harmful but detrimental for those trying them out.

The Google Penguin algorithm aims to fight web spam, focusing on wrong links from shoddy websites. This was evident in 2013 with their Hummingbird update that sought to improve how well this company understands natural language processing and semantic understanding for online pages.


Method1: Getting indexed 

The Internet is an ever-changing, digitizing landscape that’s becoming increasingly competitive.

Yahoo!’s Directory & DMOZ were two large directories before closing in 2014/2017, respectively – but luckily, nothing stops us now: we only have manual submissions back at headquarters plus human editorial review throughout all stages of production.

In November 2016, Google announced a significant change to crawl websites and started making their index mobile-first.

In May 2019 alone, we saw another update from this very same company: With Chromium 74 now available in all crawlers across all of our products, including the Search Console & YouTube Ads management platform, there are even more benefits than ever when using Google.

Method2: Preventing crawling 

To avoid undesirable content in the search indexes, webmasters can instruct spiders not to crawl specific files or directories through a robots.txt file located at their root directory. Additionally, you could explicitly exclude an entire folder with meta tags so that it does not appear on SERPs (usually <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>).

Method3: Increasing Prominence 

By keeping your site relevant to the needs of web users, you can increase traffic and visibility through search engines. Linking between pages on a website will help people navigate more efficiently while providing valuable information about where they are going – which is essential for trust reasons! Your page design should be simple enough not to overwhelm potential visitors who might bounce off after only viewing one or two lines before leaving again without looking back; this counts against any given business’s credibility rating.

The more often a site refreshes with new content, the higher its rank in search engines. Adding relevant keywords to your web page’s metadata, like titles and descriptions, ensures that these listings stay fresh when people do an online search – meaning they are likely going straight toward whichever version has recent updates! URL canonicalization helps maintain continuity between different versions of one website. Canonicals indicate where this resource might exist, which counts toward the overall link popularity score.

These days, Google ranks websites based on their popularity and the number of incoming links that point at them. In addition, recent changes made by Mountain View require more attention towards some elements in SERP: HTTPS version (secure site) page speed, which impacts loading time for users browsing via mobile devices.

Method4: White hat versus black hat techniques 

The two broad categories of SEO techniques are “white hat” and black. White hat refers to search engine companies’ methods as part of good design. In contrast, Black hat includes spamdexing, among others. Webmasters do not approve of it in practice or theory because it can hurt their ranking algorithmically if relied upon too heavily with little knowledge about how these things work (or simply trying different strategies).

There are many SEO techniques, but the white hat falls within search engine guidelines and does not involve deception. White-hat optimization means ensuring the content you want indexed users to see rather than just showing up on page rankings without their knowledge or consent – this kind of practice has existed since before Google existed! White hat SEO is much like web development, focusing on creating content for users rather than search engines.

The search engines have rules that all websites must follow to be ranked correctly. One way to trick the machine is by using hidden text, either as colored similar to the background or off-screen positioned Div, called “cloaking.” You could also go for grey hats instead, which is not against any rule but helps improve your ranking without lying about what information on the site provides Google with valuable data when making decisions based upon quality factors like fresh content

Website owners use black and grey hat methods to improve their rankings in search engine results.


The most recent statistics show that Google has a 75% market share of all searches. This number reaches up to 90% in markets outside the United States. It is no wonder why many companies choose SEO as their primary advertising strategy and rely on search engine optimization for success.

Google has close to 90% market share in the UK. This is an impressive number when you consider that there are only a few countries where Google does not reign supreme as their leading search engine, including China (Baidu), Japan (Yahoo!), and South Korea (Naver). Russia’s Yandex takes the top spot, while Czech Republic-based Szeman does not fall far behind.


SEO is a great way to get your website in front of people searching online, but it is not always enough. Other strategies like pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns can work better depending on what you seek from the webmaster position and how much time/money an individual has available.

The importance of site quality cannot be underestimated for search engine optimization. A successful Internet marketing campaign may also depend upon building high-quality web pages for engagement and conversion, setting up analytics programs so owners can measure results, and improving CRO (conversion rate).

Google has been tweaking its algorithm to give preference to specific searches.

In November 2015, Google released a full 160-page version telling people about changes within the search engine industry since 2011 when the first granted a patent for the “Image Search” feature found inside the Gmail app.

Google has been encouraging webmasters to make their websites mobile-friendly with the help of its Search Console and Mobile-Friendly Test. These tools will allow business owners to measure, increasing rankings based on keywords used in the content.

Site optimization is necessary but not sufficient for success in the digital age. Without careful planning and implementation across all aspects of marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), your business may suffer significant losses due to changes by Google or other competitors with authority monitoring tools as humans do – which means they can switch their algorithms at any time!

As you can see, many aspects of SEO make it relevant in digital marketing strategies. At Zenscape Marketing, we focus on helping our clients find the best fit for their business goals by leveraging powerful tools. Contact us today if you need help with SEO to achieve page-one rankings on Google and attract organic leads!

New to SEO? Let Zenscape Marketing Optimize Your Search Visibility.

If you want to learn more about search engine optimization (SEO) and how it can help your business get found online, the experts at Zenscape Marketing can help. We are seasoned SEO specialists with years of experience helping brands rank higher on Google and other search engines. Our comprehensive SEO services are tailored to improve your website’s visibility in organic search results, drive more qualified traffic, and turn searchers into customers.

At Zenscape Marketing, we take care of all the complex, technical aspects of SEO for you. This includes in-depth keyword research, website audits, technical optimizations, content creation, link building, and more. We also provide ongoing performance reporting so you can track your SEO results. Ready to unlock the power of search engine optimization? Let the Zenscape Marketing team handle your SEO and start getting your website found for relevant searches!

Contact us today for a free website audit and custom SEO proposal. Our holistic approach to SEO delivers accurate results for long-term growth.