Creating an SEO Plan

Creating an Effective SEO Plan for Your Business

A strategic SEO plan is essential for any business looking to increase brand awareness, traffic, and conversions through search engines like Google. Creating an SEO plan will outline the key focus areas and tactics needed to improve your overall search visibility and ranking for relevant keywords. By following a comprehensive SEO plan, you can attract more qualified visitors to your site who are actively searching for your products or services.

In this complete guide, we will walk through the key elements that make up a successful SEO strategy and provide actionable steps to help develop your effective SEO plan tailored to your business goals.

Key Elements of Creating an SEO Plan

Keyword Research

Thorough keyword research provides the foundation of an SEO plan. This involves identifying low-competition, high-value keywords related to your products or services. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs can help generate keyword ideas and assess their competitiveness. Ensure to include common misspellings and long-tail variants when compiling your target keyword list.

Competitive Analysis

Research how your top competitors rank for your target keywords. Look at their on-page optimization, backlinks, domain authority, and any gaps where you can surpass them. Identifying weaknesses in their strategies will help you establish where you can outrank them.

Website Optimization

This encompasses technical and on-page optimization best practices. Ensure your site follows technical SEO fundamentals like optimal page speed, mobile responsiveness, proper markup, etc. Content and pages should also be optimized for user experience and search discovery.

Link Building Strategy

Links remain one of the top 3 ranking factors for Google. Develop an outreach process for building quality backlinks from relevant websites to improve domain authority and keyword rankings.

Local SEO Tactics

For local businesses, focus on optimization tactics that help with visibility and search rankings in Google Maps and other local listings. This includes having a properly optimized Google My Business profile.

Social Media Integration

Incorporate social media into your SEO strategy to boost engagement and additional signals like social shares and clicks. Leverage owned platforms and influencer partnerships.

Goals and KPIs

Define specific, quantifiable goals and KPIs to track SEO performance. This includes targets for rankings, traffic, conversions, and ROI. Use analytics to identify optimization opportunities.

Conducting Keyword Research

Thorough keyword research is the first step of any effective SEO strategy. Avoid guesses and assumptions by following proven methodology:

– Use keyword research tools to generate an extensive list of relevant keywords for your business. Look at search volume, competitiveness scores like SEMrush Keyword Difficulty or Moz Keyword Opportunity, and commercial intent.

– Organize keywords into groups from main terms to more long-tail variations. Include LAT’s – life cycle, aspirational, and transitional keywords.

– Conduct search query analysis on Google to identify additional keyword opportunities and see searcher intent.

– Do an in-depth analysis of your top competitors’ keywords, including ones they rank for and optimization gaps.

– Create primary and secondary keyword buckets, with 3-5 core focus keywords to start. Grow these over time.

Performing a Competitive Analysis

Analyzing your competitors provides immense insights into how you can surpass them:

– Identify your top 3-5 competitors and research both on-page and off-page factors.

– Use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz to analyze their rankings and quantify link profiles.

– See what keyword targets you share and the gaps where you can out-optimize them for rank.

– Look for technical issues or site mistakes you can improve upon.

– Evaluate their content strategies and backlink sources to inform your efforts.

Optimizing Website Elements for SEO

Technical SEO is the foundation that gives you the best opportunity to rank well. Optimize with these best practices:

– Improve website speed scores using PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix. Leverage caching, compression, minimization, and CDNs.

– Build a crawlable site architecture with semantic URL naming conventions and internal linking.

– Structure pages with proper HTML tags. Optimize page titles and meta descriptions.

Provide useful content optimized for both users and search bots. Incorporate keywords naturally.

– Regularly fix broken links. Add alt text for images. Use Schema markup for more prosperous snippets.

Building a Link Earning Strategy

The quality and relevance of incoming links remain highly influential for search ranking algorithms. A proactive link-building strategy will boost domain authority and keyword rankings.

– Identify websites complementary to your content and brand that allow backlinks or guest posts.

– Produce high-value content like data studies, tools, and industry resources that sites will want to link back to.

– Outreach through social media relationships, blogger partnerships, business associations, etc.

– Acquire featured links from SaaS directories, local citations, and niche lists related to your keywords.

Local SEO Best Practices

For local and multi-location businesses, focus on these core tactics:

– Fully optimize your Google My Business listing for each location. Include photos, detailed services, and correct NAP info.

– Get listed on 50+ relevant local directories and citation sites. Monitor and fix inconsistencies.

– Build localized landing pages targeting region-specific keywords and intent.

– Generate more local reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers.

– Sponsor local events and partnerships to build community connections.

Goals and Tracking SEO Progress

Define specific, quantifiable SEO goals and KPIs that align with broader business objectives:

– Establish targets for rankings, traffic, and conversions for priority keywords and pages.

– Use analytics to track website visits, search queries, location traffic, etc.

– Monitor changes in rankings and visibility in Google Search Console.

– Set up reports to track links, referrals, and MOD over time.

-Continuously test and optimize efforts based on collected data and insights.


Developing a comprehensive strategic SEO plan tailored to your business is crucial for long-term growth and success. Optimizing your website for users and search engines will lead to measurable increases in qualified organic traffic and conversions over time. Investing in core SEO fundamentals will pay dividends by consistently improving your search visibility and presence.

Want help creating a custom SEO plan tailored for your business’ growth? 

The digital marketing experts at Zenscape Marketing offer SEO consulting services to optimize your online presence.

Our holistic SEO approach combines proven tactics like keyword research, website optimization, content marketing, link building, and more to improve your overall search visibility.

We can perform an SEO audit to identify growth opportunities and provide an actionable strategy to increase organic traffic, leads, and sales. With our expertise, your business can rank higher and reach more targeted customers.

Schedule a free consultation today with one of Zenscape’s specialist consultants to get insights into developing your effective SEO plan. Together, we’ll identify the right keywords, optimize your website for conversions, and execute an ongoing strategy that delivers results.

Don’t leave your SEO efforts up to chance. Partner with Zenscape Marketing for unified digital marketing to accelerate your business growth!